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Van Wyck Community Garden: Grand Opening, Registering for a Plot, and Forming our Garden Committee!


Hello King Mountain Gardeners! 

After much anticipation, the PROS committee is proud to announce the grand opening of our neighborhood's first ever improved park feature: a new community garden at Van Wyck Park slated to open to gardeners in mid April, 2024!  The PROS committee has been working with the parks department for over a year to create a spacious and functional community garden that we hope will bring much joy and kale to the neighborhood. Before opening, the garden will need one more thing that you can help us with: a garden committee made up of 3-5 volunteers who are passionate about our neighborhood garden! Below you'll find details about registration and the garden committee.

Registering for a Raised Bed or Plot

The garden boasts 2 designated ADA beds, 10 raised beds for gardeners with limited mobility, and 52 10x10 in ground plots.  If you are interested in registering for a plot, email and ask to be placed on the wait-list (we highly recommend jumping on the wait-list as interest in the garden has been growing; be sure to note you live in King Mountain neighborhood). Parks will collect your email and phone number and then, once they know what the registration opening date is, will contact you and provide you with the required paperwork. 

Why Join the Garden Committee? 

Being a part of the garden committee not only offers an opportunity to give back to the community, it allows you to be an integral part of shaping a functional and beautiful space that everyone can enjoy.

Roles & Responsibilities Include:

  1. Liaising with the COB Parks Department: This involves communicating with the Parks Department about the needs of the garden, ensuring we have the right supplies and coordinating emergent infrastructure maintenance and trash hauling, etc. The Parks Department has an essential role in providing these services (in addition to managing the website and administration for garden plots), but it's up to the committee to ensure they're delivered effectively.

  2. Garden Oversight: The heart and soul of the role. This includes managing collective tasks like determining watering schedules and overseeing the day-to-day running of the garden, pruning fruit trees, managing compost piles, and creating a robust community garden culture!

We Need You! You don't need to be a master gardener to serve on the committee, though some gardening experience would be ideal. If you have administrative skills and enjoy working with a team, you could be a huge asset! Please express interest when you join the wait-list or once the website is live, upon registering you'll be able to officially express interest in joining the garden committee.

Looking forward to growing together!

Elizabeth Chace (KMNA Parks, Rec and Open Spaces (PROS) committee, chair)

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