Greetings King Mountain Neighbors!

With hopes for a truly resilient neighborhood, your KMNA board shares monthly topics from Bellingham's Preparedness Education & Outreach team in our posts:"Be Prepared to...".
Today's topic is communication.
It’s typical for communication to become unreliable in a disaster (i.e. an emergency event where the local need exceeds emergency services). Local cellphone networks are often overloaded or infrastructure is damaged resulting in breakdowns in communication.
A communication plan helps to keep members of a household connected with each other as well as friends and family out of the area. Steps:
Identify at least one person who can serve as an out-of-area contact and relay messages between members of the household. Each household member should know how to contact this person and practice your communication plan annually.
Practice communicating simple status updates that will be easier to get through on an overloaded cell carrier network. Try to include your location, who you are with, physical safety and short-term plan. For example: "With both kids @ Costco. Safe.
Staying put."
For more info, check out this resource:
Till next time, may we all be prepared for the best possible outcomes in an unpredictable future!
If you or someone you know is passionate about neighborhood preparedness, our KMNA board would love to talk to you about joining the board as a preparedness advocate. Contact us @