Hey neighbors,
The King Mountain Neighborhood Association Parks, Rec and Open Space Subcommittee (KMNA PROS) has some updates to share. Keep reading for more neighborhood updates.
Trail development in the King Mountain Neighborhood
The city’s Parks and Recreation Department’s 2025 proposed budget was submitted to the City Council by Mayor Kim Lund this fall. In it are several King Mountain Neighborhood projects.
1) Primrose Lane Trail ($300,000): This short trail section will link McLeod Road with the existing gravel trail just south of the “Village at Baker Creek” apartment complex. The existing trail, known as the Palakika Trail, jogs around the east side of the apartment complex and leads to Telegraph Road. Planned future access across the earthen dam on the north side of Telegraph Road leads directly north to the new Bakerview Community Park.
2) Jill’s Court Trail ($950,000). This trail section will connect the east end of Telegraph Road with Jill’s Court (off Hammer Drive), thus providing an important north-south link along the very eastern edge of King Mountain Neighborhood. Near the south end of the new trail there’s access to Fruitland Drive and to the Squalicum Creek trailhead at Irongate Road. This Squalicum Creek trailhead at Irongate Road will also connect with the soon-to-be-built Sunset Pond Loop Trail, which will connect between Irongate Road and Racine Street (https://cob.org/project/sunset-pond-trail).
Funds were recently approved for the city to acquire the 3.3 acre property at the east end of Telegraph Road (1492 Telegraph). At a minimum, this will open up access to the north end of Jill's Court Trail. Given the location of the property, it has potential to be another public park or park open space.
3) King/Queen Mountain Park. Funding requests for trailhead and trail improvements are listed for 2027, 2028, and 2029.
Here's a link to the preliminary budget document: https://iframe.cob.org/iframes/Pages/meeting-materials-greenway.aspx. The trail project list is on the last three pages of the PDF. Additional budget information can be found on the City Council meeting webpage.
PRO plan. During this coming calendar year (2025), Parks and Recreation staff, the Greenways Advisory Committee, and the public will be working on the six-year update of the citywide Parks Recreation and Open Space Plan (PRO plan). The PRO plan plays a significant role in setting the city’s priorities for trails and parks and the guiding budget and land development permits. https://cob.org/project/parks-recreation-open-space-plan-update
Your King Mountain PROS subcommittee intends to maintain a constructive presence at the table as the PRO plan gets revised and updated to advocate for trail needs in our neighborhood. If this is something you'd like to work on with us, please reach out to info@kmna.org. Stay tuned for more opportunities to add your voice!
Bakerview Community Park. On a final note, Parks and Recreation Department is interested in working with KMNA to host a public meeting next spring to gather local input on how best to develop the new 29 acre Bakerview Community Park. The park is adjacent to My Garden Nursery on the south side of Bakerview Road. (https://cob.org/project/east-bakerview-park-planning-and-feasibility-study)
Submitted by Jim Marcotte, member of the KMNA Parks Recreation and Open Space subcommittee
Telegraph Rd. Multi-modal Project
Good news folks, this project is wrapping up!
If you missed it, here's the most recent blurb from Public Works:
"This project will connect the fragmented sidewalk sections between Deemer and James Streets. It will also add bike lanes in both directions, and signals at James and Deemer, two pedestrian signal crossings as well as curb and gutter and stormwater improvements. Project should be complete by the end of October."
KMNA Engagement
It's not your imagination, the KMNA board was quiet this summer. An array of life events slowed our community engagement. There are so many exciting ways for us to make an impact shaping this neighborhood for the future. In order to keep working we, do need more engagement, big and small, from neighbors like you.
Please write us at: info@kmna.org to let us know you'd like to attend a board meeting, get involved with a subcommittee or help with hosting a meeting.
Thank you for reading!
Your KMNA Board