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  • King Mountain Neighborhood Association

KMNA Awarded Small and Simple Grant from City of Bellingham

The King Mountain Neighborhood Association (KMNA) submitted a Small and Simple Grant application to the City of Bellingham this spring. Exciting news: we were approved!

About the grant application:

As the newest neighborhood annexed into the City of Bellingham, the King Mountain Neighborhood (KMN) is still developing a sense of identity. Lots of development and a steady influx of new neighbors means that there are many of us who are not yet aware of where neighborhood boundaries are and what unique opportunities, resources, and challenges exist here in the KMN.

KMNA's approved Small and Simple Grant covers costs for three types of resources that will help us address this:

- "Welcome to the Neighborhood" signage on roads at KMN boundary lines

- Sign boards to announce upcoming KMN events and meetings

- Little Free Libraries (LFLs) to foster social interactions and community

"Welcome to the Neighborhood" Signs

KMNA wants to help create a sense of community by posting vibrant and colorful 'Welcome to the Neighborhood' signs at the major entrances to the KMN, marking where the neighborhood boundaries begin and end. This will help introduce everyone, residents and visitors alike, to the area as well as the many activities and opportunities present in our neighborhood.

Welcome signs will be posted in the four current entrances to the neighborhood: Bakerview Eastbound, Bakerview Westbound, Telegraph Rd Eastbound, and Kellogg Eastbound. The two future locations will be at James St Northbound upon completion of the Orchard Drive connection, and James St Southbound upon connection to Van Wyck.

Click below to view the designs:

We would love to know which design you like best!

Announcement Boards

Keep your eyes open for our new A-frame sign boards! These will alert us all to upcoming events and meetings where residents can hear presentations from the City on public works and development, share their thoughts with the KMNA Board, and get to meet their neighbors.

Little Free Libraries (LFLs)

KMNA will be installing two new Little Free Libraries (LFL) in the neighborhood, providing an opportunity for neighbors to share resources, find things in common, and open conversations.

KMN has an existing LFL on Kellogg and two more have been installed in the Village at King Mountain by the developer. Thanks to the City's grant funding, KMNA will be adding two more LFLs to the south portion of the neighborhood: one on Fruitland Dr and another in the Habitat for Humanity development on Telegraph Rd. KMNA will fully stock the two new LFLs and add books to the 3 existing LFLs by working with a local bookstore, who have provided us with a donation as well as agreeing to sell us advance copy books at a significant discount.

We are thrilled to be able to bring these resources to the King Mountain Neighborhood, thanks to the generosity of City of Bellingham's grant program.

The KMNA Board looks forward to sharing additional updates at future KMNA meetings.

Join us at the the next KMNA Virtual General Meeting on Tuesday, October 5 at 7pm PT.

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