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Hey Neighbor - Your Neighborhood Association Needs You!

Who we are:

In 2009 the King Mountain Neighborhood became the 25th neighborhood in the City of Bellingham and is one of the city's fastest developing areas. The King Mountain Neighborhood Association (KMNA) is a non-profit organization open to all and is focused on outreach, communication, social activity and activism within our neighborhood.

What we do:

KMNA is a conduit for communication directly with city departments and the Mayor's Office. Our role is to facilitate general meetings and focus groups, write letters and conduct surveys to convey community sentiment to the city, and allow the city an opportunity to speak directly to the neighborhood on issues ranging from traffic, education, parks and recreation, and development, to emergency preparedness and public safety.

We also aim to encourage social interactions and community spirit, securing grant funding for projects like neighborhood signs, little free libraries and community gardens, and organizing community get-togethers and open houses.

Why join the board:

This is our home, and as a board member you can play an active role in shaping the development of our neighborhood. Board roles typically rotate every few years, ensuring a diversity of opinion and experience are represented over time. If you love our area and are motivated to give some of your time and talents to our community, please consider joining the KMNA board. For more information, please notify us of your interest here.

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