UPDATE: Bellingham Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Baker has informed us he will be attending our community meeting on March 18th, 2024 at 6:00pm at Bellingham Covenant Church. He will be available to answer a few questions regarding this change in plans during the meeting and afterwards.
However, this meeting is scheduled for a full presentation and Q&A with COB Public Works. We plan to ask Dr. Baker if he would consider returning to King Mountain as our special guest at one of our next meetings. Please RSVP to the meeting at KMNA.org
Hello Neighbors,Â
Many of you may have seen the recent Bellingham School Superintendent Dr. Baker recent update regarding Elementary School 15. Originally this new school had the intended ground breaking of spring 2024 and completion by fall 2025.Â
The school district has recently decided to make a strong pivot from building the elementary school in the near future. This comes as a surprise to all of us.Â
The Bellingham School District was approached by the City of Bellingham to use combined efforts to re-develop Carl Cozier elementary and the surrounding community facilities. In discussions with the city, they have decided it best to focus on the development of these facilities with the 2022 bond funds that were passed and delay Elementary School 15 for a later time.
This is a surprise to us all and a great disappointment to many. Juggling the many needs of our community is difficult balance and we empathize with the decision makers in our city.Â
That said, the KMNA board wants to let you know that we are advocating for a better solution. We hear the cries from parents that Cordata is not meeting the needs of our community and the general lack of a community gathering place leaves much to be desired.Â
We have written and submitted the following letter to Mayor Lund and Dr. Greg Baker plans to attend our community meeting this Monday on March 18th to answer questions from the community. KMNA Board Letter to Mayor Lund
If you would like to submit your own thoughts, the school district has asked us to direct our concerns directly to Dr. Greg Baker at Greg.Baker@bellinghamschools.org.Â
We will continue to update you as we have more information.Â
Hannah Jones