Thank you to everyone for attending the KMNA March virtual meeting and for bringing your thoughtful questions for discussion!
Due to enthusiastic response following the meeting, the KMNA PROS Subcommittee is now active and seeking additional members.

Introducing your KMNA PROS Subcommittee members:
Elizabeth Chace (Chair)
Melissa Gille
Dima Hart (Board representative)
Paul Kearsley
As its first initiative, the subcommittee is spotlighting a series of neighborhood walking trails and greenways to ensure that all King Mountain neighborhood residents are informed and aware of this existing resource.
The trails of the King Mountain neighborhood are part of the City of Bellingham’s Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PRO) Plan. The PRO Plan’s existing and proposed trails support the overall goal of increased neighborhood connectivity. You can find the full PRO Plan document online here.
If you’d like to learn more about the trails here in the King Mountain neighborhood, or are interested in getting involved with the subcommittee, please click through to the contact form to get in touch.
Learn more about this and other KMNA activities at the next virtual meeting. Mark your calendars for 7pm PT on Monday, April 26. You can RSVP here. Stay tuned for additional agenda details in the coming weeks and we hope to see you there!