Greetings Neighbors!
Have you noticed all the development happening in our neighborhood? Would you like to learn more about the city’s zoning code and what it means in our neighborhood? You are invited to an in-person King Mountain Neighborhood Association General Meeting with special guest speaker COB Senior Planner Kathy Bell.
Kathy Bell is a wealth of knowledge about the history, vision and challenges that the King Mountain Neighborhood faces in the coming years. She will give us an overview of the history and annexation of the neighborhood, current zoning code, updates on the Comprehensive Plan, and how you can be involved in the future of our neighborhood development process.
In addition to Kathy Bell's presentation, you can expect a Parks, Rec and Open Space update; news about our Small and Simple Grant Award; and other interesting tidbits from the KMNA board relevant to our neighborhood.
Please join us on Monday, July 31st at 6:00pm at Bellingham Covenant Church, 1530 East Bakerview Road, Bellingham, WA 98226. This is not a Church affiliated event. We grateful to Bellingham Covenant for generously providing us a space to meet in-person.
This is KMNA's first in-person General meeting since 2019. All are welcome and we would absolutely love for all of you to invite a neighbor along. You can expect refreshments and excitement!
