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King Mountain Neighborhood Elementary News


Hello Neighbors!

It is time for another school update. The Bellingham School District has been working diligently to design our new elementary school. Our new school is known by a few names including: Bakerview Elementary, King Mountain Elementary, and Elementary 15. These are all placeholders until the official name can be decided later into the project.

This winter I, Hannah Jones, have the privilege of serving on Elementary School 15 Design Committee. This opportunity has greatly broadened my understanding of all the details it takes to build an elementary school! Considering the implications of a community building meant to last for at least 100 years is challenging to say the least. Luckily, this committee is full of sharp, community minded leaders. I have complete faith in our ability the design process will give us an incredible school to be used for generations.

Our discussions have identified 3 priority topics:

  1. Building with sustainable practices that can be showcased with informational signage about how the building runs and operates for the education of both students and the broader community.

  2. Make the playground, fields, and other parts of the facility available for community use, including a trail system that connects to the broader community.

  3. Diverting traffic in a way that helps ease pick-up and drop-off on both Cougar Road and Kramer Lane.

There have been many ideas presented through this process, but each meeting we hone in what is most important for the community and bring those to the forefront of the design and planning. Next week the school district (see letter from the Superintendent at the bottom of this post) is ready to share updates with you on this current stage of the project, as well as what you can expect moving forward.

There are 3 ways you can help us:

  1. Attend the community meeting and share your thoughts - Thursday Feb 23rd at Bellingham Covenant Church from 5:30-6:30pm.

  2. Respond to the survey which will be coming out in the next few weeks via email and we will post on the KMNA website.

  3. Provide positive feedback to the city when they mail information regarding the rezoning of the lot from residential to public school use. This re-zone is crucial for the school district to be able to move forward with their plans.

The advisory team has two more meetings during which we will continue looking at various designs and layouts of the facility on the grounds and how to prioritize the community's various needs in layout and function. We'd love to bring your thoughts and ideas to our next meeting for discussion. So please engage!

That is all for now! Feel free to email questions or concerns to We will continue to write blog updates as the process unfolds.


Hannah Jones, KMNA Schools Sub-committee Chair

A message from Superintendent, Greg Baker:

Dear King Mountain neighborhood families and neighbors, We are excited to share information about our plans to build a new school just north of East Bakerview Road, west of Kramer Lane and on the east side of Cougar Road and ask for your feedback. Thanks to the voter-approved 2022 school facilities bond, your neighborhood will benefit from a new elementary school. It will be an outstanding place for students to learn and will serve our community in other ways with its inclusive, public playground, a community gym and neighborhood meeting space. You are invited to attend a community project meeting from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 23 at Bellingham Covenant Church, 1530 E. Bakerview Rd. This will be a great opportunity to learn more about the project and for you to share your hopes, dreams and vision for the new school. We appreciate your support of our schools and strive to be good communicators and neighbors. We hope to see you on Feb. 23, but you can also learn more at or email our capital facilities director at for more information. Thank you, Greg Baker Superintendent of Bellingham Public Schools

P.S. KMNA board is looking for a keen neighbor to step up and take on the role of board Secretary. If you've been curious about joining the board, now is a great time. So much is happening and we need to keep track with thorough meeting minutes. If you are interested to find out more, please contact us at

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