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Join us at the upcoming KMNA Virtual General Meeting - Tuesday October 5 at 7PM PST

King Mountain Neighborhood Association

It's time to mark our calendars for the next KMNA Virtual General Meeting!

Upcoming KMNA Virtual General Meeting -

7:00 PM PST

Tuesday, October 5

We'll hear from KMNA Board members on various neighborhood topics including an update on parks and trails from the PROS subcommittee as well as a presentation about the new elementary school planned for the King Mountain Neighborhood.

We hope to see you there!


I. Call to order

II. President’s Report

III. VP's Report

IV. MNAC Report

V. Treasurer's Report

VII. Small and Simple Grants - Debrief/Next Steps

VIII. PROS - Trail Development Process and Van Wyck Open House

IX. King Mountain Elementary School

X. Closing remarks

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